Book Written by Chris Jennings
Clips from the Chris Jennings Group Podcast. Watch the full episode on our Youtube channel: Click Here
Develop A Sales Playbook for Your Company and People
The Similarity between Success in Sales and Football
The Importance of Mentorship
The Love Language between Sales Person and Sales Manager
What Separates Top Sales Performers
What Helps Make Sales Conversations Easier
How to Develop Sales Leaders
Clips from the Chris Jennings Group Elevate Sessions. For more information Click Here
Onboarding your new customer/ project
10 tips to increase margin, reduce scope creep and get more referrals
Does “free stuff” win new business?
When is the right time to give something away and what to ask for in return.
Renewing & Retaining clients & setting customer performance goals
How to build a road map for long term client partnership that leads to profitable growth of any account
Emotional Intelligence part 2/ Reading others and matching their emotions
Learn the 5 fields of emotional intelligence and how to improve your EQ to better connect with your customers and prospects mental and emotional state
Next steps that lead to deals and smart follow up
How to keep a deal on track, comfortably set solid next steps, and never have to push too hard and when to
let it go
Converting leads off the web, SEO, and other lead sources
Prioritize how to quickly qualify or disqualify web leads and develop other strong lead sources.
Top 10 Sales Problems
Clip from the Chris Jennings Group Introductory Program.
New hires, refresher and your guests.
How to make your sales force more profitable with BE USEFUL…NOW.
For more information: Click Here